So my cousin barb invites me to be on facebook and apparently all my cousins are on there, Well except for jen, travis, mike, brad & jessica They're on myspace with me. Wait, maybe facebook is the older version of myspace. Thank you barb, for including me by the way :)
Anyways I get on there and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use it. This is just one of those things that go along with me not owning an ipod, no longer having a cell phone and not really seeing a need for one, having no idea what blue ray is, and not being able to work our VCR/DVD combo that Mackenzie's parents bought us a few years ago. I feel like Gracie is soon going to be making fun of me for not knowing how to use every day modern conveniences!
I love the blog! You didn't tell me you started one.
Isn't it amazing how far technology has come? By the time our kids are five, they will know more than us. LOL
I've got this bookmarked, so I'll have to visit often to see what's going on with you guys!
HaHa...so Facebook is the myspace for the senior citizens huh?! I see how it is.
Meghan just start clicking things and see what happens. I will start sending you things and inviting you to games and then you decide if you want to add the application.
this is a big step for your 2nd to oldest Grunwald cousin. It's your oldest cousin Kristin that has been on it much longer than us. I kept getting so many other invites from other friends that I finally had to check it out.
Love the blog...jake and I will do one some day but not sure what we would post about :-)
meghan, i don't get it either. i've been plugged in there for some time and don't. really. get. it. great blog. i love being kept up with gracie! and you make me laugh. really. love you all! xo caryn
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