Friday, September 26, 2008

tis' the season...

I love fall and Halloween. It is my favorite time of year. I love Halloween so much I got married a week before it and had a baby less than a week after it (not in the same year LOL). Last Halloween I was gigantic pregnant and on bed rest. It was the first year ever in my life I didn't carve a pumpkin. However, I was able to lay on the couch and watch brandon grudgingly carve the pumpkin for me!Gracelyn has a handful of festive Halloween clothing that she's been wearing lately. This one in particular is my favorite! She's cruising furniture live a champ now, and stands for a few seconds without holding onto anything. I can't believe my little mamas is almost a year old!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Miss Kitty

I found this old pic of our cat Veruca. The pic is not staged, she will knock your coke off the table for her own amusement.

Monday, September 22, 2008

a girl after my own heart.

Gracie has loved music since she was born. And now she has discovered the piano! I thought these were cute.

duck, duck, goose.

On Saturday Brandon and I took Gracie to feed
the ducks in the pond behind Pixie Playland in concord. My grandparents used to take me there regularly and I probably haven't seen it in 20 years. It was fun to go back and see if it was how I remember it, and it was.

Brandon thought the family in the right hand corner of this picture was "fearless" because of how close they got to the geese. LOL!

Papa & Gracelyn

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

meg's election endorsement

I haven't talked much about politics this election year which is odd for me because I usually have some very strong opinions in the matter. In the beginning I was a huge Hillary supporter. I love me some Hillary Clinton!!! However, unfortunately her time is over as Barack Obama is the Democratic candidate. I was so discouraged by this I almost turned my vote over to Mccain, but then two things happened. First, he chose that horrible women as his running mate, who stands for everything I hate. Second, I pulled my head out and remembered I am a prius driving, anti-fur wearing, gay marriage supporting, right to choosin', organic baby feeding, member of the green party since 1998. I have never voted republican and this is not the election to start. So Obama it is. And I think I'm starting to love Michelle Obama, she seems pretty hip.

dylan.... you ARE the father!!!

On 90210 they revealed Kelly's baby daddy, but not before they kept us on the edge of our seats by constantly referring to him as "he" the entire episode. Brenda finally spilled the beans while chastizing Kelly for still being in love with "him". Jesus Brenda, are you still jealous??? Brandon (knight) thought for sure the baby's daddy would be Brandon (walsh) thinking that Dylan would be "a little too on the nose" as he puts it. Brandon (knight) also figured since he didn't see Luke Perry doing any interviews pertaining to the new show and he had seen Jason Priestly talking about it that it would be Brandon (walsh). Yes, my husband is that into the new 90210. I really feel like I've come full circle. Back at my parents house with my junior high boyfriend watching 90210. We were dorks for watching it then, and we're dorks for watching it now!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

sunday knight football

I've never really been a fan of any sports, in fact I think it's safe to say the only sport I can tolerate is football and that's only because when we lived in Vegas we would wake up on Sundays have pancakes for breakfast and then spend the rest of the day snacking and hanging out on the couch. Who can resist that?

So my parents bought Gracie a little Raiderette outfit for her to wear with Papa who wears his Raiders Jersey every Sunday during football season (not pictured).

a swingin' good time

My parents and I took Gracie to the park to do some swinging. I wasn't at all surprised that she loved it, she's quiet the daredevil!

Gracie and Grammy

Sunday, September 7, 2008

the cho show

Sometimes I watch Margaret Cho's stand up and it's not always that great, but I love her as a person. I love her new show and her parents and her fabulous friends. If you have a 1/2 hour to spare watch it!

Friday, September 5, 2008

9021- Oh no she didn't

I was a big fan of Beverly Hills 90210. I watched it for all 9 seasons, yes even in high school when my friends made fun of me I watched it. So when I heard that they were making a spin- off just entitled 90210 of course I had to set my Tivo. Ok, first off all I'm a little sad that Tori Spelling won't be on it because apparently they weren't willing to pay her as much as the other two girls that were returning ( shannen doherty and Jenni Garth). I don't care what anyone says, I love Tori Spelling!

Anyways, it's basically the same story line as the first one, this family moves from Kansas with two teenagers, blah blah blah. Here's the thing, I was like 10 years old when I started watching 90210 and I would never let a 10 year old Gracie watch this 90210. These kids are like calling each other bitches, the word ass was used many times, With in the first 5 minutes there's two teenagers in a car in the parking lot and at first you just see the guy and then the girl's head pops up (you get what I'm saying). The old 90210 was ever like this, right? Or maybe I'm just watching it through a parents eyes now, I don't know. I feel like Aaron Spelling would not approve.

So even though the acting is horrible, the story line weak. I still have to watch it next week because Kelly has a son now and they have yet to say who the father is. So of COURSE I have to tune in to see if it's Dylan. Once again, they've hooked me :)

Viva Las Vegas....

We just got back from Vegas.... I had my camera but for some reason didn't take any pictures. We went to check on our house. The lawn is completely dead. I find it ironic that it's the first time we've ever hired a landscaper and the yard has never looked so horrible. It's partially due to our sprinkler system broke so Brandon spent the two days we were there re-plumbing it or something I'm not too0 sure what he did but the sprinklers are working better than ever. Hopefully the lawn will start to grow back. Gracie and I had some guests to keep us company while Brandon was busy making repairs. Tuesday my friend Jennifer came over with her son, Rio,who is 5 weeks older than Gracie. We like to get the kids together when we visit. On Wednesday the family had lunch with Auntie Kenz so we could give her a birthday present and visit. All in all it was a nice little trip, aside from the total 18 hours we spent in the car!