I was a big fan of Beverly Hills 90210. I watched it for all 9 seasons, yes even in high school when my friends made fun of me I watched it. So when I heard that they were making a spin- off just entitled 90210 of course I had to set my Tivo. Ok, first off all I'm a little sad that Tori Spelling won't be on it because apparently they weren't willing to pay her as much as the other two girls that were returning ( shannen doherty and Jenni Garth). I don't care what anyone says, I love Tori Spelling!
Anyways, it's basically the same story line as the first one, this family moves from Kansas with two teenagers, blah blah blah. Here's the thing, I was like 10 years old when I started watching 90210 and I would never let a 10 year old Gracie watch this 90210. These kids are like calling each other bitches, the word ass was used many times, With in the first 5 minutes there's two teenagers in a car in the parking lot and at first you just see the guy and then the girl's head pops up (you get what I'm saying). The old 90210 was ever like this, right? Or maybe I'm just watching it through a parents eyes now, I don't know. I feel like Aaron Spelling would not approve.
So even though the acting is horrible, the story line weak. I still have to watch it next week because Kelly has a son now and they have yet to say who the father is. So of COURSE I have to tune in to see if it's Dylan. Once again, they've hooked me :)
I felt the same way when I watched it! I was asking Bill if this is what high school is like (aside from all the money), if so, I'm terrified for my kids!
I was telling my friend that the show is so bad that it's good and I have to watch it next week...ugh!
Ok, I CANNOT get sucked into watching this show this time around. But you MUST tell me who the father of Kelly's son is when you find out!
90210. great. sadly, i sort of enjoyed it. it really took me back. i agree that i think this one is a little more hard core than the original, but come on mommy, we're living in harder corer times! my heart swelled 2 sizes when brenda appeared. god. she's a really bad actress. can't wait for next week's episode!
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